CGH offer ladders, railings and platforms to our tanks in different models.

On this side you find:
Model A
- Model B
- Model C
Model D
Vertical tanks

Model A

  • Single ladder located at the manway
  • Made according to CGH standard model A
  • Galvanized
Stiger til tanke

Model B

  • Ladder, platform and railings located at the manway
  • Made according to CGH standard model B
  • Galvanized
Stiger, rækværk og platforme

Model C

  • Ladder, platform and railings located at the manway
  • Large platform with railing on all sides
  • Access from platform for easy and safe access to the manway
  • Ladders with a safety cages
  • Made according to CGH standard model C
  • Galvanized
Stige model C

Model D

  • Ladder, platform and railings located at the manway
  • Large platform with railing on all sides
  • Access from platform for easy and safe access to the manway
  • Ladder with handrails
  • Made according to customer specifications or CGH design
  • Can also be made with large platform across multiple tanks - see reference here
  • Galvanized
Ladder, platform and railing

Vertical tanks

  • Ladders with safety cages
  • Resting platform for high tanks
  • Platform on top of tank with railing
  • Galvanized
Trappe, platform og rækværk